Helen Pluckrose: Why I no longer identify as a Feminist. A must read.

A most excellent article by Helen Pluckrose @HPluckrose : Why I no longer identify as a Feminist.

She articulates much of the connection between Feminism and Postmodernism that I seek to express, and has added to my knowledge. Lucky are those who can articulate. I consider this a must-read.

Why I No Longer Identify as a Feminist

2 thoughts on “Helen Pluckrose: Why I no longer identify as a Feminist. A must read.

  1. Mike says:

    Come on Francis, I read your blog occasionally in the past, and now I came back and I’m asking myself: why are you doing this? Helen Pluckrose, together with her mother whom she mentions in the article, supported feminism when all the misandrist practices of today’s feminism were already in place.

    Feminism, when Pluckrose and her mother supported it, was already misandric, full of me hating, hysterical about DV and rape, full of lies about, rape culture, wage gap, …

    Actually, feminism was always evil. Elizabeth Cady Stanton said that women were infinitely superior to men. Suffragettes pushed men into war during WWI. All feminists from the beginning supported default mother custody. Rape and DV hysteria was always on the menu.

    Feminism was always evil and Ms Pluckrose can go fuck herself if she was ever a feminist.

    I really don’t understand this tendency among some MRAs to desperately look for ‘good feminism’.

  2. Francis Roy says:

    You appear to be conflating ideas for people, and my expression of the appreciation for an article for the support of an ideology.

    That being said, “I really don’t understand this tendency among some MRAs to desperately look for ‘good feminism’.” Must certainly be directed at someone else, that, or you’re mind reading, and poorly.

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